4th August 2022

Operation Make Safe

Operation Makesafe has been developed in partnership with London’s boroughs to raise awareness of child exploitation in the business community, such as hotels, licensed premises, taxi companies, shops, and care homes.

The purpose of Operation Makesafe is to empower businesses and organisations to tackle child exploitation through increased awareness and training.

The campaign aims to achieve the following:

  • Identify potential victims and ensure an effective safeguarding response.
  • To work together with businesses, to upskill staff and protect vulnerable children from exploitation.
  • Provide public reassurance and effective preventative measures.
  • Enhance public safety and confidence.

The campaign is designed to help business owners and their employees identify potential victims of child exploitation and, where necessary, alert police officers to intervene prior to any young person coming to harm.

Click here for more information and to download posters and leaflets.